Education platform


Together with
KPMG Creative
Project Overview

Re-imagining the future student digital journey

A globally known university asked us to reimagine what would the online student experience look like in the future.

A previously conducted research suggested that the university was underperforming in student experience compared to the rest of the sector. Students were demanding more immersive digital experiences which the education sector had struggled to provide.

The project was split into three, two weekly sprints:

Sprint 1

(Student accepting the offer and completing the admin)

Sprint 2

Dashboard & Calendar
(Student starting the term)

Sprint 3

Learning & Support
(During the term)

I was the sole designer in the creative team working alongside the strategist, research, management, engineers, and stakeholders. I was responsible for identifying the pain points, ideating on the solution, wireframing, prototyping, testing, iterating and creating conceptualised designs.


Low and high fidelity wireframes to demonstrate ideas and flows.


Qualitative research and insights obtained from 1:1 and group interviews with current university students across the three sprints to validate and refine the student journey.


Key screens were selected to produce conceptualised designs for the university's internal team to build upon.


The engineers were able to code the design concepts in a such short period of time, which demonstrated our ability to successfully execute the project as a team.

Sprint 1


We focused on the part where a student had received an offer from the university and were asked to complete the acceptance process.

Understanding the problem

From the stake holder interviews and our initial research we found out that:

  • The onboarding was confusing and students were struggling to complete the process
  • Occasionally there was a long wait period between a student accepting the offer and being able to enrol to the course
  • It felt unexciting and non-personal
  • Lack of helpful information or support

We wanted to create a digital journey that was personal, welcoming and easy to navigate.

Wireframes & Testing

I created low fidelity wireframes and a clickable prototype to test key screens of the student onboarding journey during the first week of the sprint. We run 1:1 interviews with the existing university students. We interviewed them about their experience and guided them through the prototype. In overall, the concept was well received and that gave us encouragement to explore further. In addition, we learnt that students needed an easy access to support during the acceptance process.

Applying key findings

During the second week of the sprint, I applied our key learnings and improved the fidelity of the wireframes. I also improved the forms by making them dynamic and more intuitive to fill out.

Sprint 2

Dashboard & calendar

The current experience was split across different platforms. Aim was to create a single source platform where students could manage their upcoming classes, submit assignments, get support and see what else was happening at the university.

We tested multiple flows with students and considered a cross platform experience.

Sprint 3

Learning and support

During the third sprint we focused on how to deliver support to student during and after assignments.

Students were able to use AI assisted learning to complete their assignment. Underperforming students would be flagged by the AI and offered relevant support options.

Design concept

Bringing ideas to life

My final task was to conceptualise the designs and bring our findings to life for the internal team to take over.

Dashboard - Offer

Dashboard - Pre-enrolment

Dashboard - Post-enrolment


Personalisation tool


Dashboard structure