Donation platform


Together with

Designing a digital platform to streamline donations

LinkToMe is a fundraising platform that facilitates donations between supporters and politicians. My task was to create a digital product encompassing both a website and a user/admin dashboard.

Home page

The Linktome home page successfully blends formality with a touch of fun, creating an inviting yet professional space for politicians and their supporters. The clean layout, sophisticated visual style, and user-centric design make it an effective entry point to the platform.

Landing page for politicians

Landing page that enables politicians to quickly and easily join the Linktome community.

Designing a seamless and easy to follow sign up process cross platform

I optimised the design for all devices, ensuring a seamless experience whether accessed from a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Result: A clean, modern design that guides users through the sign-up process with ease.

User dashboard

A simple user dashboard to enable politician to track donations, as well as manage their profile and account details.

Admin dashboard

I implemented the ability to invite users to the platform and verify profiles. Additionally, I ensured that the admin could manage the list of political parties and their respective countries from the dashboard.

Brand direction

My brief was to create a brand that is "formal but fun." I interpreted "formal" as mature and sophisticated, and "fun" as colorful and interesting.

I sought a unified visual language from historical influences, whether from Athens, an early hub of political activity, or Winston Churchill, the iconic politician. I became fascinated by stripes, which formed the basis for my design direction.