Credit app

UI / Branding
Together with
KPMG Creative


I was asked to design an engaging website for a credit lender that offers financial products for every day people, opening them up to life's possibilities.

See the live site here

Dynamic home page

The purpose of the home page was to hero the three credit products the business was launching with. I clearly highlighted the advantages of each product and introduced micro animations that were triggered by a scroll to engage the users. I put together a storyboard to outline the transitions and assist the developers in the implementation.

Transition storyboard

Creating templated content for easier development

When possible, I would restructure and simplify the content I was given and design a template that would work for each product. This would save design and development time.




Apple Pay

Google Pay


My task was to create an engaging home screen UI for each credit product. The challenge was to come up with a design that could adapt to all product variables.





Overview of the home screen designs

Customers were able to apply for a mix of credit products and each product would have its own set of functions.

Designing for every scenario

Due to complexity of each product, it was important to map out each stage of the design to make sure we had covered all the scenarios.

Interactions storyboard

I designed an interaction to delight users when they would power up their wizitcard.

Dial exploration

Example of design experimentation with the line thickness and shape of the dial before deciding on the final design.


I explored different interaction options and how to move between the products. Client opted for a horizontal carousel.

Marketing & Branding

Examples of marketing concepts I created for the brand.


My task was to further explore the existing brand concept and develop a tagline applicable to the business' three main products without limiting further product adds in the future.

The tagline "Own it. Wizit" is adaptable and can be presented in either horizontal or stacked format. It is designed to animate and hold images or video clips.

Tagline animates to "Play it. Rock it. Own it." together with a video.

Z-fold letter

A simple z-fold letter design to hold the credit card. Removing the card reveals an additional step.

* Illustrations were commissioned based on the concept


Confirmation email for "buy now, pay later" product.